Hey party people!
Do you have a restaurant in your town that if someone asked you if you could only eat at one place the rest of your life, that would be it? Even in Atlanta, full of amazing restaurants, I have one place that I can’t get enough of. That’s Souper Jenny. She’s actually branched out and opened Cafe Jonah (a breakfast type place) & Juicy Jenny. They serve everything I love – healthy salads, soups, juices, smoothies, and fruit. I love it so much, that’s who catered our outdoor wedding.
All that to say (I apologize for the tangent), Juicy Jenny has these delicious healthy chocolate bars. They’re all natural, no refined sugar, and totally amazing. I set out to recreate them, and I came pretty close.
These are almost vegan, except for the chocolate on the top, but you could always use vegan chocolate chips. The chocolate bars are gluten free with the only added sugar being organic maple syrup!
* One more tip when you make these – after you pour the chocolate on the top, gently move the dish back and forth on the counter to achieve a smooth top.
I originally shared these on the Living Locurto blog, but I wanted you to see them too. Check out some amazing Back to School printables from Living Locurto.
Now I’m gonna eat a little healthy chocolate bar for breakfast!
Party On!