Hey party people!
Hope your day is swell!
Two big events are coming up very soon: St Patty’s Day & Dr Suess’ birthday. So, I’m gonna cram this St Patricks Day & Lorax craft in this one little post. Boo-yeah!
Photo booths are all the rage! If you have a party…it’s kind of a given that there needs to be a photo booth involved. It’s like the Justin Beiber & Selena combo…oh wait…scratch that. #whocankeepupwiththecelebromances
Anyways, I will openly admit that I am blank years old and I still like to play dress up. So this craft is an excuse to embrace your inner child, take some ready-for-facebook pics and get in touch with the irish man inside you. That last part sounded weird.
Here’s what you need to gather around ye:
You’ll need: Spray adhesive (not included in the picture), orange craft fur (I ordered mine from Amazon), white cardstock and a dowel.
Begin by finding an irish beard that you fancy online and add it to a publisher/word document. I used about 60% of the sheet. If you’re creating this for kids, you probably want to go smaller (40%?).
Print this out onto white cardstock and cut along the edges so that you are left with the beard shape.
Spray the adhesive to the cardstock and attach that to the fur.
Now cut around the beard template.
Attach the wooden dowel with tape or a glue gun and get ready to rock some facial hair!
What do you think? Could I fool someone into thinking I was a wee little Irish man? (I’m wee little…so that part I’m good with) I guess my shirt kinda gives it away.
One St Patricks Day craft down…one more craft to go.
Using the same method, I created a Lorax mustache prop (from Dr Suess’ The Lorax).
I found a picture of a Lorax online, cropped it and printed it out on cardstock. Then I cut the mustache out, glued it to the orange fur, cut the shape from the fur, then attached it to a dowel.
This was my wonderful model (our dog Guinness). This was one of MANY pictures and this was the closest one to turning out.
See…he wasn’t an easy subject. Models can be so high-maintenance. My husband was in the background empathizing with Guinness & saying I was a “stage-mom.” ;p
Know that the Lorax mustache will look way cuter on your child!
This would be so fun to have at a Lorax-themed kid’s party…or if you’re a teacher, for your kids at school. The pictures would be so adorable of them sporting their own Lorax ‘stache!
Enjoy celebrating Dr Suess’ birthday and until Friday…
Party On!
p.s. This is YOUR official invite to the party… on the PartiesforPennies facebook page! Click here.
Can you share a link to the specific craft fur that you purchased on Amazon? Thanks!
I am so sorry. It doesn’t look like Amazon carries it anymore. BUT…I did find it on another site: http://www.caddisflyshop.com/craft-fur.html Hopefully this helps! <3 Heidi