Hey party people!
Here in Atlanta, it’s the first week back to school for many. Congratulations or I’m sorry, whichever is appropriate.
Teachers work very hard, for very little pay. Both of my parents are teachers and I know how much time and money (their own money) they put into giving kids the best education environment possible.
May I get on a tiny little soapbox?
Awhile ago, my mom had a rough year. She got very little “thank you’s” or appreciation from the parents. She’s not someone that asks for that at all, but teaching is her passion. She’s the teacher that goes in on the weekends, goes to her kid’s sporting events and recitals. I mean she goes above and beyond. My dad is the same way. Women just tend to verbalize a little more when they feel underappreciated. My heart ached when she shared that she felt a little hurt that none of the parents even thanked her.
That baffles me. I know I would suck as my kids teacher. The fact that someone more capable than myself would teach my kids and invest in their lives for a year (and beyond for my parents and many other teachers) is pretty incredible. To think that no one took time to thank a teacher really boggles my mind.
Okay, I’m done now. Sorry about that.
All that to say, even if you have a very small budget, this DIY Teacher Gift Idea will put a smile on your kid’s teacher and at least let her know someone is thinking of her.
What you need is a small round vase (check out the dollar tree for this), yellow notebook paper, mod podge (I got the dishwasher safe kind), permanent pen, and paint brush (for the mod podge).
This DIY project would also be great to use as fun centerpieces for a teacher appreciation luncheon or school party.
Step 1: Write a message or the teachers name on one piece of notebook paper.
Step 2: Coat one area of the vase with Mod Podge.
* If I were you, I may cut the yellow notebook in half. Using the whole sheet around the vase tends to create more air bubbles. I did it with just one sheet, but it may be helpful to half it. Just piece it together like on the vase.
Step 3: Smooth one section of the yellow notebook paper onto the area with the Mod Podge. To help with this, you can use a store discount card (just not something you want to get messed up, in case some of the Mod Podge gets on it). Take the card and gently smooth the surface.
Step 4: Brush on another area with the Mod Podge and do the same thing as Step 3.
Step 5: Allow to dry. Once it’s dry, coat the entire outer area with Mod Podge.
Step 6: Once the first coat is dry, do a second coat.
Step 7: Fill with flowers and give to your kid’s teacher.
Whether you’re able to complete this project or not, teachers just need to know they’re appreciated. A simple hand-written note goes a long way. Party on!

That’s a really cute idea for a etcher gift! Very simple and creative!
Thanks Johnnalyn! <3 Heidi