Hey party people!
Chances are you spent a little quality time with your credit card over the holidays. Don’t stress. Just because you may have had a little too much fun doesn’t mean you are forced to spend New Year’s Eve in your pajamas at home eating Raman noodles…unless that’s what you want to do (no judgement here). Here are 6 BUDGET-FRIENDLY NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY IDEAS that will make your party THE place to be, but won’t cause you to donate plasma to pay for those credit cards (again…no judgement & I may or may not have done that before…another story for another time).
1| USE WASHI TAPE for Wall Art!
Sometimes you need something large and in charge. Most of times, that always comes at a greater price. If you have some washi tape handy, it just takes some patience and scissors and you’ve got big and beautiful wall art for pennies.
All I did to create mine was cut a bunch of pieces of washi tape the same size. I used a yard stick to measure out equal distances between the 12 & 6, and 3 & 9. Once I had those on the wall, I just filled in the rest of the numbers and added the clock hands. The best part is that it peels off easily once you’re done.
Add a little sparkle to your decor with these easy DIY Glitter Coasters. They take minutes to make and are the perfect NYE Party additions, plus they keep your tables protected. See the video tutorial here.
3| Greet your guests with this SOUTHERN GREETING
Add a little fun to your party with this southern greeting! Just print off this free printable and trace over it with a gold paint pen. Cut out, add some colored scrapbook, or put in a frame, and you’re set.
4| POP ROCK RIMMED Champagne
I may only drink my Champagne like this from now on. Champagne + Pop Rocks = Awesomeness. All you need to do to create your own is get some light corn syrup, pop rocks, and a champagne glass. Pour a little bit of the corn syrup into a small dish and the pop rocks into a separate dish. Dip the rim of your champagne glass into the syrup (you just need a little bit…too much and it will start to drip), then dip it into the pop rocks.
You can add a little bowl of pop rocks to your champagne bar for guests to add to their glass, too. Again…champagne drinking game changer. You will not be disappointed.
You don’t need to spend a piñata full of money on favors. Take these fun and easy favors. These are NYE fortune favors. You can make up your own, or use the ones I came up with (download them from the link below). Cut out the fortunes, add them to some pretty paper, tie a ribbon around them, and you’ve got a simple and super inexpensive party favor. You can go the funny or serious route with these.
I needed something for height on my table, so I just went around the house and gathered a bunch of Christmas ornaments. I stuck em’ in a glass jar and I had a nice, tall NYE decoration.
These are adorable treat/favor boxes from Kate Aspen.
More fun Kate Aspen products – Gold Glitter Votives.
This is how I styled it at first. Still not sure which way I like it better. Sometimes simple is perfect, though.
Hope this next year is the best ever for you! No matter what, don’t forget to Party On!